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The API Call node facilitates interaction with external APIs, allowing you to extend your data transformation and automation capabilities. You can invoke an external API for each dataset row and capture the response in a new column. This is particularly useful when you need to enrich or validate your data using third-party services or proprietary APIs.
Select an authentication method for your API call. This method will be included in the HTTP headers to authenticate your requests with the external API.
None. No authentication.
Bearer Token. When selected, you must provide a bearer token.
Basic Auth. When selected, you should provide a pair user name and password, or only the password.
The "Method" field allows you to specify the HTTP method for the API call. Common methods include GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. The method you choose should match the endpoint's requirements you are interacting with.
In the "URL" field, you enter the endpoint of the external API you wish to interact with. This is the web address to which the API call will be sent.
Use a sign @
to mention existing columns.
In the "Headers" field, you can specify additional HTTP headers to be included in the API request. Headers may be used to provide extra information about the request or to set certain conditions for processing the request.
Body type: This field allows you to select the format of the request body, such as Raw, Form-Data, x-www-form-urlencoded, etc. The selection here depends on the requirements of the API you're interacting with.
Content type: This field specifies the media type of the request body, such as application/json, application/xml, text/plain, etc. It tells the API how to interpret the contents of the request body.
Now, we support only raw: application/json type and plain text.
The "Request Content" field is where you input the data or parameters you want to send in the body of the API request. The format of this content should match the "Body Type" and "Content Type" settings. For the current application version, it should be empty or in JSON format.
Use a sign @
to mention existing columns.
You can call API row by row here. We recommend always calling external API for one row fistly to be sure you get an expected result.
If you are good with one-by-one calling, you can call API for all rows simultaneously. It will not recall API for those rows already containing the result.
If you get some errors in the answer or want to change the request - use this button to remove results for all rows.
Calls an external API and return a new column with answers